Re: JMS: Queue-Ordering

From: Nigel Deakin <>
Date: Fri, 09 Mar 2012 18:41:44 +0000

On 09/03/2012 16:57, wrote:
> @Nigel ASFAIR throwing an exception from MDB results in rollback and redelivery of message, so i do not get what do you
> mean by "redelivery by the client" and why it should differs from rolling back an exception. Do you feel that one can
> rely on redelivery order to implement it correctly? In case message 2 and message3 are rollbacked, what is a guarantee
> that they are redelivered in the same order ?

An exception will be caught in the MQ client (the resource adapter which calls onMessage()) whereas a transaction
rollback will be handled by the server.

I look forward for an update form Patrick.

The behaviour here will also depend on whether GlassFish is using JMS in LOCAL or EMBEDDED mode.
