Re: 3.1.2 in Eclipse?

From: Vince Kraemer <>
Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2012 14:29:22 -0800

Hi Laird,

If you want to work with GF 3.1.2 bits that you have already downloaded
from the best bet is to
install/update the 'Oracle Glassfish Server Tools' plugin.

It is the last 'available software' item in the tree list that you can
see in the screenshot that is part of this blog entry:

That update should not have the problem that you are seeing. If it
doesn't please let me know right away, so we can spin out an update that
does address the problem.


On 3/8/12 1:25 PM, Laird Nelson wrote:
> I just read, and noticed the
> Eclipse Glassfish plugin work. If I'm correct, that will download a
> 3.1.2 instance and set it up for me.
> In my case, I already have a Glassfish installation running on my
> local machine. What is the best way to integrate that into Eclipse
> Indigo?
> When I try the stock New Server Adapter wizard, the only option I can
> pick is Glassfish 3.1.1. If I try to nevertheless point at my 3.1.2
> installation, it tells me that glassfish/modules/jsf-api.jar is
> missing (which indeed it is).
> I apologize for any Eclipse stupidity on my part; I vastly prefer
> Netbeans to it, and vastly prefer Emacs to that. :-)
> Best,
> Laird
> --