Authorization problems with Embedded Glassfish 3.1.1

From: Nigini Abilio <>
Date: Fri, 3 Feb 2012 11:38:54 -0300

Hello community.

I'm using Embedded Glassfish to deploy a JEE 5 web application. Using
version 3.1 I was successful to:

   1. Deploy it in a normal (not embedded) environment;
   2. Based on the 1st step, create an embedded deploy.

Then, something changed that I cannot succeed anymore. Every time I try to
log-in, I get a 403 error, meaning that my environment is working (could
make authentication) but my authorization rules are not good! OK. You can
think that it was obviously a codding/configuration problem, but the fact
is that the same .WAR can be deployed and runs smoothly when I'm not at an
embedded environment (now 3.1.1 version). I've just tried to repeat the two
steps above to the 3.1.1 version, but the same error appear.

Is there anyone here that could help to brainstorm about it, and/or point
to some material I can read about? Anything would help.

Nigini Abilio Oliveira