Hello, I'm running an Linux (CentOS 6.2) application that reports the following error when trying to establish a connection to an Oracle database:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: oracle/jdbc/pool/OracleDataSource
I've verified the CLASSPATH environment is set correctly to access the driver file: ojdbc6_g.jar
QUESTION 1: It seems GlassFish isn't using this environment variable(?). Can I just drop the driver's jar file into a specific directory?
Is the following directory the right one?
QUESTION 2: Can I just drop it in using Linux command line arguments (e.g. "cp /path/to/file/filename /path/to/destination/directory"), or do I need to issue something specific within GlassFish's asadmin command prompt?
I assume restarting the domain would be required.
Any advice appreciated.