Re: Glassfish installation advice

From: Eve Pokua <>
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2012 16:56:50 +0000

The PC is not yet formatted. So I can copy / cut the dir back where it was and everything should work as usual?

EVE'S iPhone

On 23 Feb 2012, at 07:02, "Sathyan Catari" <> wrote:

> On 2/22/12 10:09 PM, Eve Pokua wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I had glassfish 2.1 installed and also 3.0.1 and 3.1.1 installed. I am on the process of formatting my PC as I have issues with the PC. I ave backed up my files including glassfish directories, by cutting files across to another drive. I can't remember but I think there was some complaints that some files name length was too long to be copied. But then after I checked, there was no files left behind. So i assumed every was copied across.
> If you haven't formatted your PC, then can you do a quick validation of the zip archives by unzipping them in new install directories?
>> So, what is best practice?
> Backup/Restore would just work fine as long as the followings are taken care of
> -No embedded paths in Domain configuration(ex. reference to libraries outside of GF install)
> -No Windows services are created
>> Copy the glassfish directories back again or download and install fresh ones? I like to keep up to date with fixes and that. For the 2.1, I ave a cluster of it on another PC. I suspect I still need the 2.1 as I ave applications I ave developed with ejb and persistent one / 2, before ejb3 and persistent 3, new development. And so I ave not change the programming codes.
> Java EE backward compatibilities are guaranteed.
>> Any comments appreciated. Thanks
>> EVE