Re: Database (User) Connection per Http Session (User), how?

From: <>
Date: Tue, 21 Feb 2012 09:39:00 -0600 (CST)

This may be possible, but it opens up all sorts of problems, particularly if
you have more than a handful of users. Are you sure there isn't another way
to fulfill your requirements?

You should be able to use a glassfish datasource but you'd need to provide
your own custom DataSource implementation that creates a connection for the
current user. You'll need some way of passing the current user from the EJB
to the DataSource (ThreadLocal?).

Connection pooling won't help as you'll have a single connection per user.
You probably won't want to keep the connections open/cached for the whole
session if you have more than a few users, so you'll end up creating a new
connection for every query.

The next issue is the users' password which you'll need to create the DB
connection. Are you using container security? If so I don't think there's an
easy way to get it. The only thing I can think of is to write a custom
authentication module (JSR-196) that stores the password in the user session,
then you can get it to the DataSource from there, but you'll need to be very
careful that you're not opening up any security holes.

I'd say find a way to avoid having to do this if you can.



[Message sent by forum member 'nickwi']
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