#1: no need to extract these archives.
#2: the path "Product/Packages/install/bin/engine-wrapper" *does not look
ok*: extracting "Product/Packages/Engine.zip" from
"/home/glassfish/software/tmp" should unzip the files under
"/home/glassfish/software/tmp/install/ ...". The 4th step was "chmod ugo+x
install/bin/engine-wrapper". You can use any way you want to extract these 3
archives but you should unzip them in "/home/glassfish/software/tmp" (not
under "/home/glassfish/software/tmp/Product/Packges") and override everything
(if asked).
After step #5, you can verify the rights with the following command:
$> ls -l /home/glassfish/software/tmp/install/bin/engine-wrapper
-rwxr-xr-x 1 glassfish glassfish [...]
Here is how to read "-rwxr-xr-x" : divide it in 3 groups: -UUUGGGOOO ; 1st
group is "owner/user", 2nd is "group", 3rd is "other". Here "owner/user" has
full rights, "group" and other have only read and execution rights. (see
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_permissions for more informations)
[Message sent by forum member 'romain_grecourt']
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