Re: Email Notifications about server problems or errors

From: Barry van Someren <>
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2012 14:07:55 +0100


I believe the performance advisor is still available in the commercial
Glassfish version and it will give you a lot of information.
You can also use the call flow fuctionality inside Glassfish to get a
feel of how much time is spent in all the layers of your application.

For monitoring things like heap used and availability I use a service
built by a colleague of mine:
The more of us Glassfish users sign up, the more time he'll spend
getting the stats we want ;-)
I believe it only alerts on outages, but feel free to ask on the forums.



On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 10:15 AM, <> wrote:
>  Hi everybody
> I am looking for a tool to provide email notifications about server
> resources
> problems (e.g. low heap memory, high cpu usage etc.) or even application
> errors. There used to be a glassfish plugin called performance advisor but i
> cannot find it anymore. If anybody can help me or point me to the right
> direction, it would be much appreciated. My current glassfish version is
> 3.1.1
> Cheers
> --
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Barry van Someren