Re: GF 3.1.1: package-applient / appclient?

From: Rebecca Parks <>
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2012 09:08:33 -0800

These errors have been corrected for 3.1.2.

Rebecca Parks

On 01/23/12 07:56, Bernhard Thalmayr wrote:
> Hi experts,
> is there any documentation around for the command 'package-applicent'
> but the 'reference-guide'?
> It seems that the documentation does not match the behaviour..
> From the doc:
> "Use the package-appclient command to pack the application client
> container libraries and
> jar files into an appclient.jar file, which is created in the current
> working directory."
> However it seems that the 'applient.jar' file is always created in
> <install-dir>/glassfish/lib/
> which is suboptimal on 'UNIX' as typically the '<install-dir>' is
> read-only for 'normal users'.
> Also the documentation for the 'extracted appclient' seems not be
> correct ... the structure of the extracted appliant does not match the
> one documented which makes in not that easy to follow the doc.
> TIA,
> Bernhard