GF 3.1.1: package-applient / appclient?

From: Bernhard Thalmayr <>
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2012 16:56:18 +0100

Hi experts,

is there any documentation around for the command 'package-applicent'
but the 'reference-guide'?

It seems that the documentation does not match the behaviour..

From the doc:
"Use the package-appclient command to pack the application client
container libraries and
jar files into an appclient.jar file, which is created in the current
working directory."

However it seems that the 'applient.jar' file is always created in


which is suboptimal on 'UNIX' as typically the '<install-dir>' is
read-only for 'normal users'.

Also the documentation for the 'extracted appclient' seems not be
correct ... the structure of the extracted appliant does not match the
one documented which makes in not that easy to follow the doc.

IT-Consulting Bernhard Thalmayr
- Painstaking Minds -
83620 Vagen (Munich area)