hey rlubke,
i will give glassfish 3.1.2. but i have a seeming well-know issue with the
login in the admin console. I downloaded the
latest-glassfish-ml.zip [1]
and started it normally. But i have a problem with the login. What is the
user and password to login into the admin console from a remote host? I tried
"admin" as user and leave the password field empty.
Follwoing failure appears:
" Konfigurationsfehler
Die sichere Administration muss aktiviert sein, damit der Remote-Zugriff auf
den DAS möglich ist.
I browsed the forum and find a pissibly solution, which does not work. If i
try "./asadmin enable-secure-admin", the following failure appears:
~/servervm/gf/glassfish3/bin$ ./asadmin enable-secure-admin
remote failure: At least one admin user has an empty password, which secure
admin does not permit. Use the change-admin-password command or the admin
console to create non-empty passwords for admin accounts.
Befehl enable-secure-admin war nicht erfolgreich.
So i tried the "change-admin-password command", but with no success:
./asadmin change-admin-password
Admin-Benutzernamen eingeben [Standard: admin]> admin
Admin-Kennwort eingeben> *leave empty - only press enter*
Neues Admin-Kennwort eingeben> *new password*
Neues Admin-Kennwort erneut eingeben> *new password*
Befehl change-admin-password wurde erfolgreich ausgeführt.
After that, i stopped the domain and restartet it and try to login with
"admin" and my new password, BUT NO SUCCESS! it is depressing. :(
best reagards
[Message sent by forum member 'hsch']
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