Re: SOLVED GF 3.1.1: CMP migration issue ... encoding issue of umlauts

From: Bernhard Thalmayr <>
Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2012 17:01:41 +0100

Thanks to Andreas and Tom I could sort it out.

If the GlassFish instance receides on a remote ssh-host, make sure to
export the 'LANG' environment variable in the resource file which is
sources when launching applications through ssh.

On Linux this is the file ${HOME}/.bashrc of the user specified with
'--sshuser' when creating the ssh-node.


On 1/17/12, Bernhard Thalmayr <> wrote:
> Thanks for your attention Tom.
> 'LANG' is set in the users profile.
> The instance in a standalone instance receiding on an ssh-host.
> As you tell me this I recognize another difference .... I that I
> start GF 2.1.1 directly (no standalone instance)
> I guess I've to set it in '.bashrc' as well as in '.bash_profile' (as
> it's running on Linux).
> Regards,
> Bernhard
> On 1/17/12, Tom Mueller <> wrote:
>> Did you try starting the domain with LANG set as desired, e.g.,:
>> LANG=de_DE asadmin start-domain
>> When I do this, I find that the user.language setting in the server is
>> "de".
>> Tom
>> On 1/17/2012 7:14 AM, Bernhard Thalmayr wrote:
>>> Even if I explicilty set '-Duser.language' to 'de' as 'JVM-Option' I
>>> still get the wrongly encoded data ?!?
>>> Any thoughts?
>>> -Bernhard
>>> On 1/17/12, Bernhard Thalmayr<>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Well it seems GF 3.1.1 set 'user.language' to value 'en'.
>>>> If I do a standalone test with
>>>> public static void main(String[] args) {
>>>> System.err.println("User Locale: " +
>>>> System.getProperty("user.language"));
>>>> Both JDK 7 and 6 are picking up the locale from the user ?!?
>>>> -Bernhard
>>>> On 1/17/12, Bernhard Thalmayr<>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Thanks for the info Andreas ... I thought this is the case.
>>>>> However the ONLY difference is the JDK as GF 2.1.1 does not support
>>>>> JDK
>>>>> 7.
>>>>> It seems that JDK 7 does not use the locale /langugage of the runtime
>>>>> user
>>>>> ....
>>>>> # whoami
>>>>> sunas
>>>>> #locale
>>>>> LANG=de_DE
>>>>> LC_CTYPE="de_DE"
>>>>> LC_NUMERIC="de_DE"
>>>>> LC_TIME="de_DE"
>>>>> LC_COLLATE="de_DE"
>>>>> LC_MONETARY="de_DE"
>>>>> LC_MESSAGES="de_DE"
>>>>> LC_PAPER="de_DE"
>>>>> LC_NAME="de_DE"
>>>>> LC_ADDRESS="de_DE"
>>>>> LC_TELEPHONE="de_DE"
>>>>> LC_ALL=
>>>>> /opt/jdk1.6.0_27/bin/jinfo<pid-of-GF-2.1.1>| grep 'user.language'
>>>>> user.language = de
>>>>> /usr/java/jdk1.7.0/bin/jinfo<pid-of-GF-3.1.1>| grep 'user.language'
>>>>> user.language = en
>>>>> Rgds,
>>>>> Bernhard
>>>>> On 1/17/12, Andreas Loew<> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Bernhard,
>>>>>> Am 17.01.2012 12:08, schrieb Bernhard Thalmayr:
>>>>>>> Some values of the coloms used for CMP EJBs entity mappings have
>>>>>>> umlauts.
>>>>>> this is no GF issue at all, but an issue of database NLS charset
>>>>>> (compare between two databases) and/or JDBC driver settings and the
>>>>>> Locale used for your JVM.
>>>>>> HTH& BR,
>>>>>> Andreas
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Andreas Loew | Senior Java Architect
>>>>>> Oracle Advanced Customer Services
>>>>>> ORACLE Germany
>>>>> --
>>>>> IT-Consulting Bernhard Thalmayr
>>>>> - Painstaking Minds -
>>>>> 83620 Vagen (Munich area)
>>>>> Germany
>>>> --
>>>> IT-Consulting Bernhard Thalmayr
>>>> - Painstaking Minds -
>>>> 83620 Vagen (Munich area)
>>>> Germany
> --
> IT-Consulting Bernhard Thalmayr
> - Painstaking Minds -
> 83620 Vagen (Munich area)
> Germany

IT-Consulting Bernhard Thalmayr
- Painstaking Minds -
83620 Vagen (Munich area)