I'm a newbie here myself, and haven't done the install on Win7 (only Win2K3
64-bit and 32-bit thus far), so take my comments with a grain of salt:
- You mentioned the JDK installer you used. That looks like a 32-bit JDK (I
think that the 64-bit JDK would be "java_ee_sdk-6u3-jdk7-windows-x64.exe" -
notice the "-x64"). I think that you probably should be using the x64 one?
Also for the installs that I've done thus far, I set the Windows PATH and
also JAVA_HOME to the bin directory under the base JDK directory and the JDK
directory, respectively.
- From the error you got (cannot find the path specified), I'm wondering if
there's some path (e.g., "c:\program files (x86)") that has spaces/blanks in
it, that might be causing the problem?
- Finally, I haven't been using the EE JDK, but rather have the non-EE JDK,
install that, and then run the GlassFish installer, pointing it to the JDK
directory using the "-j" parameter:
ogs-3.1.1-windows.exe -j "c:\program files (x86)\java\jdk1.6xxxxx"
I hope that helps?
[Message sent by forum member 'jimcpl']
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