Re: osgi shell in glassfish v3.1.2-b16 ?

From: Phillip Ross <>
Date: Wed, 11 Jan 2012 14:34:37 -0500

Thanks! I'll give this a try.
On Jan 8, 2012 8:12 PM, "Sahoo" <> wrote:

> Hi Phillip,
> Yes, we changed the technique yet again and hopefully it will remain same
> going forward. But, we have already updated [1] with the new information.
> In 3.1.2 and 4.0 builds, you need to set the property
> glassfish.osgi.start.level.**final=3 to enable the shell. You can do it
> in two ways:
> Directly edit glassfish/config/osgi.**properties - the same file applies
> to all OSGi runtime (it no longer exists under felix/bin or equinox).
> or,
> Set this as a JVM property which will override what is present in the
> above file.
> Thanks,
> Sahoo
> [1]**public/GF-OSGi-Features.pdf<>
> On Monday 09 January 2012 05:09 AM, Phillip Ross wrote:
>> Hi all, I'm taking 3.1.2 promoted builds for a spin and was wondering
>> what the latest method is of enabling the osgi cmdline shell. With
>> 3.1.1 there was some editing necessary of in the
>> felix dir, but the config file does not exist in 3.1.2-b16.
>> Thanks
>> - Phillip