Re: Simple LDAP connection over SSL (LDAPS) fails in glassfish

From: <>
Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2011 10:16:03 -0600 (CST)


Now it partially works....
I modified and keystore to point to
*jre/lib/security/cacerts* and it worked (btw, why isn't it enough to modify
the truststore??).
I was able to authenticate with LDAPs.
*But*, now I get the following error upon deployment of other wars (actually,
osgi WABs): 
"Key alias s1as not found in keystore" (full log attached)
which make sense because I overrided GF keystore which contains the s1as

1. Why simply adding my certificate using "keytool -import" into
domain/config/cacerts.jks doens't work??? ahhh
2. Can I define GF to add more keystores so that I won't have to override
its own keystore, just add another one maybe?

[Message sent by forum member 'Karo']
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