Re: trouble with ejb decendency injection in managed bean

From: Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine <>
Date: Tue, 1 Nov 2011 21:47:20 +0100

ProtudoWebFassade needs to be a declared as a JSF managed bean (or did you forget to add it to the code pasted?).
An EJB should also not implement both Local and Remote interfaces. Chose one and remove the other.

On 1 nov. 2011, at 11:00, wrote:

> Hello everybody,
> I've written an JSF Application what uses a managed bean. The managed bean
> forwart requests to the real session fassade, which implements a Local and a
> Remote buniness interface. Because the JSF Application runs in the Web
> container of the glassfish server, I thought, that i could use dependency
> injection to inject the session facade to my managed bean.
> So could someone tell me i am wrong?
> The code is really simple. I will post it now.
> [java]
> @Local
> public interface ProtudoLocalSessionFacadeInterface
> {
> public String GetDummyString();
> }
> [/java]
> --
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