Re: When are realm changes visible to deployed applications?

From: Kumar Jayanti <>
Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2011 14:36:20 +0530

On 11-Nov-2011, at 12:55 AM, Laird Nelson wrote:

> Or are they ever visible to deployed applications? Must I redeploy applications that rely on the realm I just changed?
users added to a file realm are instantly visible.

If you create a new realm using the system defined realm classes it should be visible immediately.
If you are creating a new custom realm then unless the realm classes were available in glassfish/lib or domainx/lib before the server is started, you will need to restart the server. We have support for realms as OSGI bundles in which case the realm gets recognized without requiring a server restart.

If you remove an existing realm it should be removed instantly.

We do not have CLI commands to update an existing realm configuration. So if someone tries to update the configuration via an asadmin set command then we would need to restart the server.

> Thanks,
> Laird
> --