Glassfish Logging to Syslog

From: <>
Date: Tue, 8 Nov 2011 12:52:01 -0600 (CST)

Hi all,

This is Pushkar. I am trying to get glassfish to log to Syslog and I am not
sucessfull in doing the same. I need to know if anyone has success fully done
this before and how.

System Info:

Operating System: Linux (CentOS 5.5 64 bit)

Glassfish: glassfish version2.1.1

JDK: jdk1.6.0_21 or up.


*Step 1*) I Wanted to glassfish to send all the logs to Syslog instead of
just to the server.log files. When i was going through the configuration of
glassfish logging, i cam across a check box which says

* Write to system log * * Enabled * *Use UNIX syslog service to produce and
manage log messages 
*   I checked this box and then restarted glassfish hoping that this would
solve my problem. But this did not work out, It showed me the following
problem. *
* *The is a ELF32 library file *
*'file' command gives: /opt/glassfish/lib/ ELF 32-bit LSB
shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), not stripped*

I was not able to find a solution to this on glassfish forums as well. So i
decided to use log4J and try to use their SyslogAppender to log to syslogs.


*Step 2*) I downloaded the log4j files and followed the following steps to
get it log to syslog.

  1) copy the log4j.jar file to ~/glassfish/lib folder
  2) create a directory called logging inside this lib folder
  3) copy the log4j.xml and file in this folder
  4) the file looks like this:

 *            log4j.rootCategory=syslog

%c:%L - %m%n

5. after this to the Systems Path in glassfish, i added the path to the
properties file which is ~/glassfish/lib/logging/

6. I restarted glassfish after this hoping that it will start using the
syslog appender to log to syslogs.


Am I doing something wrong? Am I missing something?  Is there some one who
has achieved this on 64 bit linux and can help me with the same. Also is
there some other solution for what i am trying to do.


Any Help is apprecitaed.

Thanks in Advance!!!





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