Re: Unclear definitions of HTTP listener settings

From: Oleksiy Stashok <>
Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2011 15:03:36 +0200

> > Which GF version are you using?
> GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3.1 on WinXP
Here is the patch for GF 3.1.1.

You'll need to copy downloaded file to glassfish3/glassfish/modules

> > I can prepare the patch for you to make sure it's the case.
> Please do. Unless you can reproduce the phenomenon on your box?
> In any case, it would be nice to have this fixed in the upcoming
> next release of GF.
Once you confirm it works for you ;)

> Also, what about long-running Multipart-MIME uploads? Currenly, the
> 'Request
> Timeout' affects long-running
> uploads, even if they are not "slow" by any measure. (And the timeout
> currently causes ANOTHER identical
> upload, eek!) In my opinion, there should be no timeout whatsoever, as
> long
> as data is read at a reasonable speed.
> If there absolutely has to be a timeout, it should be different, and
> have a
> default value of several hours.
Unfortunately it's not possible to set timeout per request or per
application, just per listener.
If you work with uploads - you can increase request-timeout or set -1 to
disable it.

