EJB timer service not available

From: Glenn Holmer <>
Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2011 16:35:13 -0500

We're learning to set up clustering, and got the clusterjsp test app
working successfully (fronted by Apache mod_jk load balancing).

Now it's on to the harder stuff, so we tried to deploy our eCommerce
app, which uses timers. All of them are non-persistent, declared with

When we deploy this app to the cluster, we get this:

ployment.common|_ThreadID=145;_ThreadName=Thread-2;|Exception while
invoking class org.glassfish.ejb.startup.EjbApplication start method
java.lang.RuntimeException: EJB Timer Service is not available

Mr. Google suggested this:

But I added com.sun.ejb.timer.ReadDBBeforeTimeout=false to the JVM
properties of the cluster config and still got the error after

Anybody got any suggestions?

Glenn Holmer                
Software Engineer                        phone: 414-908-1809
Weyco Group, Inc.                          fax: 414-908-1601