Re: Websphere vs Glassfish

From: Radim Kolar <>
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2011 13:01:45 +0200

> i've maintained apps for IBM solutions and every time i had to
struggle with customer to convince him to install some magic fixpack
> because server comes out from IBM in a beta-ish state
Installing fixpacks is recommended practice by IBM and in ideal world
everybody should run after some internal testing latest fixpack. I know
that lot of customers are avoiding fixpack and refuse to install them. I
also had such customers, i am not with them anymore - its waste of my IT
staff time try to find workaround for bug, which is fixed already in
newer fixpack. Also i am avoiding customers running in "//JEWISH
mode - instead of buy 2 GB MORE RAM, they demand things like optimize
wsphere for us to run in 512 MB RAM with application loaded.

> or even give up some standard feature because it simply doens't work
as it should.
IBM is pretty active in fixing things in websphere 7, you can get custom
patches quickly.

> Also, by getting wbsphere usually they sell you RAD also, which will
makes your developement team works 3x SLOWER.
Why RAD slow down your development?

> You talk about memory leaks, but if the question is about paid
support anyway why not pay it and keeps the normal speed of work?
I didnt get the point. You dont have to buy RAD, some cheaper Eclipse
based IDE is included with Websphere for free.

> just app server support plus market standards IDE - for free.
what do you mean by market standards IDE?