Re: Client Classes for the REST Interface

From: Jason Lee <>
Date: Wed, 12 Oct 2011 12:06:57 -0500

I have in the past, yes. All that effort will do, though, is
standardize the Jersey Client API (in some form and with input from
other client libs), which is what these wrapper classes wrap. When that
spec is standardized and GlassFish moves to the new spec, the client
wrappers will be updated to use the new spec.

On 10/10/11 3:50 PM, Nazrul Islam wrote:
> Jason Lee wrote:
>> One of the goals for the REST interface for GlassFish 4.0 is to
>> create a set of client classes that will help hide as much as
>> possible of the complexities of REST calls, payload processing, etc.
>> To that end, in the past few days I have committed a fair amount of
>> code that creates such a client, not only in Java, but Python as well
>> (Ruby and maybe PHP are in the offing, time permitting). I've posted
>> a couple of articles showing how to generate the clients and how to
>> use them:
>> Two warnings: my attempt at humor is in those blogs :P, and the
>> code/usage under discussion is still in flux, so things may change
>> some before the final release.
>> I would appreciate any feedback anyone may have on any aspect of
>> this. :)
> This looks nice.
> JAX-RS 2.0 (JSR 339) is talking about a client API. Have you looked at
> that? Refer to

Jason Lee
Senior Member of Technical Staff, Oracle
GlassFish Team
Phone +1 (405) 216-3193