Re: Glass fish stop responding when its memory usage is ...

From: Alexis Moussine-Pouchkine <>
Date: Sun, 4 Sep 2011 13:56:17 +0200

Is there anything interesting in the glassfish server log?

A thread dump on such a hung system should be the first thing you try.
I assume you're on windows, so "jstack" would probably the easiest way to get the thread dump.

Also what are the exact versions for GlassFish and the JVM?
Ideally the <java-config> section of your domain.xml would also be useful.


On 4 sept. 2011, at 10:50, wrote:

> How much memory did you give to glassfish? If you did not change the original
> startserver script then you might add the *-Xmx* parameter to java. Do you
> run on 32 bits or on 64 bits? 32 bits can only go to 1024Mb. Also check for
> the PermGen memory (-XX:MaxPermSize) if you get error messages
> like /java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space/.
> Hope this helps you,
> Marco