Re: Embedded glassfish ScatteredArchive question

From: Marina Vatkina <>
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2011 17:22:04 -0700

EJB embedded uses SA if there is only one EJB module (for more than one,
it creates a temp exploded ear directory). But SA needs to know that
it's an EJB module, so add it as the 1st element, in addition to the JAR


Laird Nelson wrote:
> In an embedded Glassfish ScatteredArchive
> <>,
> if I add a File to the classpath
> <>,
> and if that File is either a .jar file or a directory and contains an
> EJB class, is it expected that that EJB will be deployed?
> Or is it a classpath "only"--i.e. is used only to package up dependent
> libraries and whatnot?
> Best,
> Laird
> --