Problem with JAAS module encodong passwords

From: Fabrice BUQUET <>
Date: Wed, 21 Sep 2011 11:18:09 +0200


I have developed a JAAS FORM login module for GF3.1 and I have a problem
with the password field which is not well "encoded".
I can not use "specials characters" in the password or login field. For
example é or à or è are not well encoded.
My login page use UTF-8 encoding: <meta content="text/html; Charset=UTF-8"
http-equiv="Content-Type" />
When I get back the password field in my custom login module (which extends
AppservPasswordLoginModule), the é becomes a "é".
Is there any option to specify the login module "encoding" ?? Or did I
missed something ?


BUQUET Fabrice