Re: renewing an expiring SSL cert

From: lance raymond <>
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2011 09:36:55 -0400

1. Domain folder backed up.
2. Issued the following;
./asadmin change-master-password --savemasterpassword
Please enter the new master password>
Please enter the new master password again>
Master password changed for domain domain1
(note I used the changeit)

Started (still using the expiring keytool) and started with no
problems. When I changed the config to use the new gf.jks file it
failed with the same error. When the cert was 1st created it was
something else, but that's when I started the thread and changed the
gf.jks password using the keytool.

I am not sure what embedded mode is but will read that now while I
continue to try to get this working.


On Tue, Sep 20, 2011 at 12:25 AM, Shing Wai Chan
<> wrote:
> As I have mentioned before, this indicates that the password is "not"
> correct.
> Have you change the master password using asadmin before?
> Or do you change the keystore, truststore password by using keytool
> directly?
> Are you in embedded mode?
> Note that the master password, keystore, truststore password must be the
> same!
> You can do the following experiment.
> First, backup the whole domain directory.
> Second, stop the server and run the following command:
> asadmin change-master-password --savemasterpassword
> In this case, you may like to type old and new password to be "changeit" in
> this experiment.
> If the command is successful, then you can try to restart the server again.
> Shing Wai Chan