Re: Broker configuration

From: Amy Kang <>
Date: Wed, 07 Sep 2011 13:34:55 -0700

Your attached broker log shows the following invalid cluster
configuration setting is passed to broker from GlassFish JMS module+JMSRA

filed bug This setting
will resolve the masterbroker to different masterbroker IP addresses
when passed to ubu1 and ubu2, which explains the following broker error
log message,

[07/Sep/2011:15:08:15 BST] ERROR [B3097]: Configuration mismatch:
Aborting connection with broker [ mq://
lusteri1&brokerSessionUID=8727186921443670528 ] because master broker
does not match. This broker has master broker mq://
7676/, broker [
] has master broker mq://

also please note that when a broker is started by GlassFish server, the
cluster configuration settings imq.cluster.masterbroker,
imq.cluster.brokerlist are passed to the broker from GlassFish server,
therefore manually setting these properties in broker's will not take effect.


On 11-09-07 08:49 AM, wrote:
> Hi, from reading the doc it seems GlassFish is meant to configure a
> master-broker cluster fully automatically. However this does not seem
> to be
> working - both nodes are using mq://localhost:27676 as master broker
> so they
> squabble when connected. What do I need to do to make this work?
> If I put "imq.cluster.url" in
> nodes/ubu2/i2/imq/instances/clusteri2/props/, start the
> broker then execute `imqcmd query bkr` I can see that that config file is
> being read. However I've tried many configuration permutations,
> including the
> following, and none achieve a masterbroker on ubu1. I also tried some
> configurations including "imq.cluster.hostname" and "imq.cluster.port"
> but
> they didn't seem to help. I've applied each config to both instances.
> [code]imq.cluster.masterbroker=ubu1[/code]
> [code]imq.cluster.masterbroker=ubu1
> imq.cluster.brokerlist=ubu1,ubu2[/code]
> [code]imq.cluster.masterbroker=ubu1:27676
> imq.cluster.brokerlist=ubu1:27676,ubu2:27676[/code]
> [code]imq.cluster.masterbroker=ubu1:20676
> imq.cluster.brokerlist=ubu1:20676,ubu2:20676[/code]
> I've been reading
> .
> My setup is two Ubuntu 10.10 VirtualBoxes, ubu1 and ubu2, with domain
> 'cms'
> on ubu1 portbase 5000 running cluster 'cluster'. Nodes 'localhost-cms'
> and
> 'ubu2' with instances 'i1' and 'i2' respectively. I can post a log of
> all the
> asadmin commands used to initialise the environment if that would help.
> The attached file includes the logfile from i2 after trying to deploy my
> application and the results from `imqcmd query bkr -b ubu2:27676`
> (with the
> default unedited configuration set up by GlassFish). I notice ubu1 at
> least
> has both nodes in its brokerlist. I can query each broker from the
> other node
> and get the same results as querying that node locally.
> --
> [Message sent by forum member 'lxs2']
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