Problems running asadmin start-domain on Fedora 14 64-bit env.

From: <>
Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2011 00:01:58 -0500 (CDT)

Hi, I have installed Glassfish 3.1.1 on Fedora 14 64-bit OS.  I get the
following error message when running "asadmin start-domain" :


asadmin start-domain
Waiting for domain1 to start .........Error starting domain domain1.
The server exited prematurely with exit code 0.
Before it died, it produced the following output:
Launching GlassFish on Felix platform
Sep 6, 2011 9:47:17 PM com.sun.enterprise.server.logging.LogManagerService
WARNING: Record begin marker is not a proper value so using default.
Sep 6, 2011 9:47:17 PM com.sun.enterprise.server.logging.LogManagerService
WARNING: Record end marker is not a proper value so using default.
Sep 6, 2011 9:47:17 PM com.sun.enterprise.server.logging.LogManagerService
WARNING: Log Format field separator is not a character so using default.
[#|2011-09-06T21:47:17.636-0700|INFO|glassfish3.1.1||_ThreadID=1;_ThreadName=main;|Registered for
persistence-type = replicated in BackingStoreFactoryRegistry|#]
Framework 1.9.36 started in: 102ms - bound to []|#]
Framework 1.9.36 started in: 201ms - bound to []|#]
Framework 1.9.36 started in: 141ms - bound to []|#]
Framework 1.9.36 started in: 161ms - bound to []|#]
Server Open Source Edition 3.1.1 (12) startup time : Felix (5,258ms), startup
services(1,552ms), total(6,810ms)|#]
down v3 due to startup exception : No free port within range:|#]
shutdown initiated|#]
stopped, so just returning|#]
Command start-domain failed.
Any Ideas would be appreciated.  Thanks

[Message sent by forum member 'gmarsh']
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