RE: Privileged file access for Java EE applications

From: Martin Gainty <>
Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2011 20:00:18 -0400

your RMI jar entities are secure but all other GF services are not secured
to broaden the scope try enabling SSL on the default connector

enabling SSL on GF server would allow you to assign users to profiles (where profile assigns permissions to requested resource)
Martin Gainty
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Subject: Privileged file access for Java EE applications
Date: Mon, 4 Jul 2011 08:01:45 +0200

Dear Apache Tomcat members
I’m working on a new Java EE application that operates as a common UI for our native UNIX applications. These UNIX applications are installed on single server instance with several file servers attached to it and the UNIX profiles for our customers are also on that server instance – and that’s the problem.

Any application call and file access made by the Java application server (Glassfish) will be performed as www user, which is in fact not that what we want. And becoming another user on a UNIX server is not that easy, because the setuid system call requires a root privileged process (and running Glassfish or any other application server/servlet container as root is also not that what we want).

The work-around I developed out looks like this: · Create a native application which calls setuid and creates another process with the user privileges. This application will take a path to a JAR file.· This JAR file is an executable JAR and creates a RMI server.· The EJB inside Glassfish establishes a secure RMI connection to the RMI server and performs some operations.· The helper-process will be killed at the same time where the user-session expires.
Because this sounds a bit tricky and dirty, I would be really grateful for any suggestion you can give. I look forward to receiving your reply.
Rudolf Biczok