I tried several variations of not having "java" in the PATH, but have
not yet hit upon the one that reproduces this problem.
Here's what I tried.
1. Start a Command Prompt
2. set PATH=
3. set JAVA_HOME=
4. glassfish3\bin\asadmin create-domain domain2
This results in:
'java' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
5. edit "glassfish3\glassfish\config\asenv.bat" to add an entry:
6. glassfish3\bin\asadmin create-domain domain2
This runs fine without having a problem running keytool
7. Removed the AS_JAVA entry and run:
set JAVA_HOME=C:\Progra~1\java\jdk1.6.0_25
8. glassfish3\bin\asadmin create-domain domain3
This results in:
'java' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
So when it wasn't working for you, what exactly did you have in the
PATH, JAVA_HOME, and the asenv.bat file?
What was the typo?