JCA Connection Pool runs out of connections

From: <>
Date: Fri, 22 Jul 2011 02:35:42 -0500 (CDT)

We have written our own JCA 1.5 compliant Resource Adapter and bundle it
within an EAR. The connection pool max size is set to 1000, but at runtime it
happens much early that GF complains about running out of connections. We
debugged our RA and in fact noticed that at about 32 the limit is reached
(which smells like the original default). When we modify our adapter to use
it's "onboard" ConnectionManager implementation (original intended for
standalone use) the problem does not occur, obviously, as we have not
programmes any limit into it. So it seems GFv3.1.1_b11's ConnectionManager is
not using the settings we gave it.

Has anybody an idea what to do? In fact we do not want to use "onboard"
manager but let GlassFish manage the connections. Is that a programming fault
on our side (how to check that?) or a configuration fault (what kind of?)?

Thanks! -Markus.

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