Re: Windows Installer fails on Win7 Pro SP1 (64 Bit, de_DE)

From: Tom Mueller <>
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2011 16:54:37 -0500

Please note that this problem is recorded in JIRA issue GLASSFISH-16945.

Your post indicates that this isn't specific to the German locale as it
is happening in Spanish too.
Also, the problem isn't specific to the installer, as you indicate it
happened when create-domain was run from the command line.
Also, it isn't specific to 64 bit as you are seeing it on 32 bit.

As indicated in issue 16945, we have not yet been able to reproduce this
problem on any of our development systems.
Any information that you have on how to reproduce this would be

Are you always seeing the problem? Or does the create-domain sometimes
What version of Java SE are you using?

Can you please try running modifying the asadmin.bat file to include
-DDebug=true on the java command line at the end (put this right before
the -jar option), and then run the command again and attach the output
to 16945. This will show the exact keytool commands that are being run
by create-domain and will hopefully indicate which one is actually failing.
