I suppose I expected the "version" in the configuration of the HTTP listener
in the admin console to actually restrict the version - it defaults to
"HTTP/1.1", but it looks like this is just for informational purposes?
Because setting it to "HTTP/1.0" doesn't do anything.
The other way I tried to restrict the version was through the "Restricted
User Agents" configuration - adding a regex for MS clients "^.*MS Web
Services Client Protocol.*$"
But the client still connects with 1.1. That particular work-around I read in
a JBoss forum, so I wasn't necessarily suprised it didn't work in Glassfish.
Is anyone aware of a way to restrict either a particular soap client (or even
just the http listener) to use http 1.0?
Beyond this, has anyone seen this intermittent 505 issue with Glassfish and
.NET soap clients? I can't find any outstanding or closed Grizzly bugs
describing our situation therefore, the only thing I have to go on is .NET's
funky/wrong way of implementing expectations in HTTP 1.1.
We're using GF 3.0.1 and the client is .NET framework version 4.
[Message sent by forum member 'cgelinas']
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