RE: Not all Beans are beeing registered during deployment Glassfish 3.0.1

From: Martin Gainty <>
Date: Sun, 3 Jul 2011 10:01:40 -0400

you can take adavatage of Glassfish autodeploy by placing your ejb.jar at
you can also deploy manually to the site..assume the name of the deployed ear artifact is 'hello'

when you have a properly packaged ear you can use maven-glassfish-plugin to deploy your ear to a running glassfish instance e.g. :

Martin Gainty
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> To:
> Subject: Not all Beans are beeing registered during deployment Glassfish 3.0.1
> From:
> Date: Sun, 3 Jul 2011 08:19:59 -0500
> I have a problem with an EJB3 application and glassfish server 3.0.1 that
> ships with Netbeans 6.9.1. I am using stateless sessionbeans, with remote
> intefaces and local singleton beans in the project. The strange thing is,
> when I deploy the Application, no matter if I do it via netbeans oder the
> webinterface and the .jar file, it registers an arbitary number of beans, but
> never the whole number of beans coded in the Application. So it might be,
> that there are only 2 beans are beeing registered and after redeploy maybe 20
> but there are always some beans missing, and all that without any error
> message?! This behavior naturally leads to Problems when ohter beans try to
> look up for the missing beans via JNDI or dependency Injection. One time I
> had luck and all beans were deployed and the Application worked well on the
> server, so there are no problems with the the Application itself. So I blamed
> the glassfish installation and switched to an other computer -- with the same
> result. Any suggestions or assumptions how this can be?
> --
> [Message sent by forum member 'jcite']
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