glassfish v301 and java blueprints petstore 1.4

From: emiddio-frontier <>
Date: Sat, 02 Jul 2011 14:01:05 -0700

java blueprints petstore 1.4 seems to be a j2ee 1.3 or 1.4 app -- it
works with sun's AS8.1 up to glassfish v2ur2/v211.

gfv301 supports ejb2.1 CMP as I understand;

deployment of the petstore 1.4 typically required assant command
"create-persistence-resource ..."
and the script made use of some JDO named resources.

that command is not part of glassfish v3+

when i try to deploy the EAR to gfv301 i get a CMP compilation error --
     ... 72 more

SEVERE: Exception while preparing the app
org.glassfish.deployment.common.DeploymentException: JDO83004: CMP
Compilation failed. See log for details.

there is no further information -- in the logs;

a number of sun-ejb-jar.xml contains entries such as/similar to:


the app also makes use of JMS, and other jndi stuff not configured yet
-- i was hoping to configure as needed
by information in the deployment errors -- but this error does not give
me a hint of what needs configuration.

I do have a gfv2ur2 domain.xml with all the apps loaded -- i can start
that instance/domain and the multiple EAR apps
all work -- perhaps I could make use of that domain.xml ???

looking for ideas how to make forward progress -- and also what the lack
of the assant comand
"create-persistence-resource ..." means???

