command to get the network details for a target

From: Vince Kraemer <>
Date: Fri, 01 Jul 2011 13:32:43 -0700

Is there a command that will get the network details for a target?

I guess it would look something like this...

asadmin get-listener-details [--listenername=NAME] [target]

here is some sample usages

> asadmin get-listener-details
http-listener-1 localhost:8080
http-listener-2 localhost:8181
admin-listener localhost:4848

> asadmin get-listener-details localInstance
http-listener-1 localhost:28080
http-listener-2 localhost:28181
admin-listener localhost:4848

> asadmin get-listener-details twoInstanceCluster
http-listener-1 localhost:28080 otherhost:28080
http-listener-2 localhost:28181 otherhost:28181
admin-listener localhost:4848 localhost:4848

> asadmin get-listener-details --listenername=http-listener-1
http-listener-1 localhost:28080 otherhost:28080

OR... do I have to use asadmin get to conjure this data out of the raw
domain data?
