RE: OSGi Web Bundle Classloader Magic

From: Martin Gainty <>
Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2011 10:32:02 -0400


are you implementing jersey-guice injector?

can you verify the GF app was stopped and started to ingest the refactored web.xml
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> Date: Sun, 26 Jun 2011 13:55:56 +0200
> From:
> To:
> Subject: OSGi Web Bundle Classloader Magic
> I have a Web Application Bundle B which depends on some other bundle W.
> B and W and some other dependencies are deployed to GlassFish 3.1.1_b06
> as OSGi bundles, by copying the whole lot to autodeploy/bundles.
> I was surprised to see that W can load classes from B, and I wonder why
> and how this works - after all, it's B that imports W and not vice
> versa. Does the GlassFish Web Extender set B's bundle class loader as
> ThreadContextClassLoader? (This would be a possible explanation, and
> this is exactly what I noticed when running the same bundles on Jetty +
> Pax.)
> The OSGi Enterprise Web Applications Spec does not say anything about
> class loaders, so I wonder if it is safe and portable to rely on this
> behaviour.
> Some background: W is Apache Wicket, with a patched manifest that does
> not use DynamicImport-Package. B is a simple Wicket web application
> which installs the WicketFilter in web.xml, passing my application class
> name as an init-parameter to the filter. WicketFilter loads this class
> by name, which should not work by normal OSGi rules, but does work for
> some reason I would like to understand.
> My scenario is described in detail in
>, but maybe
> that's not really needed to shed some light on my question.
> Thanks,
> Harald