I've been banging my head on this roadblock all night, going crazy -- running
embedded glassfish in our application, and it's generally working fine,
*except* jsp's that reference our code won't compile -- the jsp classloader
isn't seeing anything in the system classpath.
I know that's what's going on, because I can create a jsp that does
Class.forName(x) and it loads one of our classes fine, but as soon as in that
same jsp I reference x directly, it fails with a jsp compiler error (package
/ class not found).
I'm dynamically deploying war files and scattered archives, both have the
same problem.
using setConfigFileURI to set custom domain.xml, and copying in other config
files like default-web.xml before doing bootstrap.newGlassFish() and start().
Have tried fork=false, development=false in default-web.xml that I copy in.
Is there any way to make the jsp classloader be the system classloader, or to
have it use the classpath of the jvm it's embedded in ?
[Message sent by forum member 'kdwinton']
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