On 6/1/2011 5:30 AM, Eugene Kondrashev wrote:
> Thanks a lot for the tip.
> And what about other versions?
> How it differs from the 2.x and sjsas 9.0(aka Glassfish v1)
For GlassFish 2.x, the similar technique can be used. The DAS has an
MBean for a server called "server". the ObjectName is:
Instances do not have this MBean.
Sorry, but I can't help you with GlassFish v1 as I don't have access to
the binaries. If you have this version, you can connect to it using
jconsole and see what MBeans are there.
> Thaks,
> Eugene.
> 2011/5/31 Tom Mueller <tom.mueller_at_oracle.com
> <mailto:tom.mueller_at_oracle.com>>
> For 3.1, only the DAS as an MBean for a server called "server".
> The ObjectName for this MBean is:
> amx:pp=/J2EEDomain,type=J2EEServer,name=server,j2eeType=J2EEServer
> Instances do not have this MBean. They will have an mbean with
> their own instance name:
> amx:pp=/J2EEDomain,type=J2EEServer,name=instance1,j2eeType=J2EEServer
> Tom