glassfish 3.1 remains blocked when i tried add a user .

From: <>
Date: Wed, 8 Jun 2011 09:57:55 -0500 (CDT)

i have a problem.

after the installation of glassfish 3.1 with the default setting , admin with
not  password , i have tired to add a user for a tutorial of java securyty .

i write into browser: localhost:4848

i have the admin console page.

 i have : configuration / server-config ( or i have  to modify
default.config?) /security/realm/file

when i try t opush the button manage user ,  the glassfsih console show the
message:" you have a process long tim ..... wait..............."

but the admin console remains blocked and not go to end

help me

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(image/png attachment: blocked.png)