Re: Using Hibernate on Glassfish?

From: Laird Nelson <>
Date: Wed, 4 May 2011 08:52:37 -0400

On Wed, May 4, 2011 at 1:55 AM, Richard Kolb <> wrote:

> Yes, if you install Hibernate as a OSGi module.

(That's kind of what I figured; I don't think Mitesh's solution could work
unless Hibernate is explicilty packaged as an OSGI module.)

> I think Laird's original question said the Hibernate in the update center
> was really out of date. i.e. Not even JPA2. So he is looking for a way to
> install.

That's right; the Update Center version is 3.5.0-Final, which violates JPA
2.0 JPQL syntax rules (among many other problems). It's worth noting that
this officially installed update center package pretty much just dumps
Hibernate in the lib directory. :-)
