Re: Bundle warning messages: MDBContainer/Current thread done cleanup message, Bundle already deployed

From: Sahoo <>
Date: Wed, 25 May 2011 07:04:44 +0530

Hi Robert,

First of all I don't understand the need to export an MDB as a service.
Who calls this service? Isn't it supposed to be automatically invoked by
the messaging system when there is a message? So, you should really use
NONE as the value for Export-EJB unless you have other EJBs.

The "Current thread done cleanup()" message can be ignored. It comes
from mdb container - just filed - it appears to me that the
developer there either forgot to fix the TODO or change the log level.
It happens for normal mdb jar as well - nothing OSGi specific here.

I am actually concerned about the message:

Bundle com.ext_inc.systemmanager.SystemManager [265] is already deployed at

How are you deploying your bundle? Which GF build are you using?

On Tuesday 24 May 2011 11:13 PM, Robert Weeks wrote:
> Hello -
> I have an OSGi bundle that I am exporting an MDB out of (I am also exporting a Service-Component) - and am seeing some messages upon restart/load that I cannot figure out how to get rid of:
> * If I have the MDB setup in Export-EJB as All, None, or direct path:
> Export-EJB: my.package.systemmanager.messaging.SystemManagerResponseQueue
> or
> Export-EJB: my.package.systemmanager.messaging.SystemManagerResponseQueue
> I see this a lot (Current thread done cleanup()):
> server.log:[#|2011-05-24T13:21:55.394-0400|WARNING|oracle-glassfish3.1||_ThreadID=54;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|[MDBContainer] Current thread done cleanup()... |#]
> as well upon restart of the server - amd seeing this 'Bundle... is already deployed' - which it does not if the Export-EJB line is not there:
> server.log:[#|2011-05-24T13:21:01.521-0400|WARNING|oracle-glassfish3.1|org.glassfish.osgijavaeebase|_ThreadID=20;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|Bundle com.ext_inc.systemmanager.SystemManager [265] is already deployed at com.sun.enterprise.deploy.shared.FileArchive_at_1287249 |#]
> I am also exporting a Service-Component (when built via bnd will create the correct OSGI-INF xml files):
> Service-Component: my.package.systemmanager.servlets.*;\
> http=org.osgi.service.http.HttpService;\
> systemManager=my.package.systemmanager.service.SystemManagerService
> I thought this was the issue originally with the 'already deployed' message - but removing this component didn't seem to make a difference in the above messages.
> Is anyone else seeing these types of issues with their bundles? I am not sure it is really effecting me (yet) - but I don't like seeing these warnings and not being able to get rid of them (or understand why they are showing up to begin with).
> Thanks for any information.
> Robert Weeks
> Senior Software Developer
> Email:
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