Bundle warning messages: MDBContainer/Current thread done cleanup message, Bundle already deployed

From: Robert Weeks <>
Date: Tue, 24 May 2011 10:43:18 -0700

Hello -

I have an OSGi bundle that I am exporting an MDB out of (I am also exporting a Service-Component) - and am seeing some messages upon restart/load that I cannot figure out how to get rid of:

* If I have the MDB setup in Export-EJB as All, None, or direct path:

    Export-EJB: my.package.systemmanager.messaging.SystemManagerResponseQueue
    Export-EJB: my.package.systemmanager.messaging.SystemManagerResponseQueue

I see this a lot (Current thread done cleanup()):

server.log:[#|2011-05-24T13:21:55.394-0400|WARNING|oracle-glassfish3.1||_ThreadID=54;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|[MDBContainer] Current thread done cleanup()... |#]

as well upon restart of the server - amd seeing this 'Bundle... is already deployed' - which it does not if the Export-EJB line is not there:

server.log:[#|2011-05-24T13:21:01.521-0400|WARNING|oracle-glassfish3.1|org.glassfish.osgijavaeebase|_ThreadID=20;_ThreadName=Thread-1;|Bundle com.ext_inc.systemmanager.SystemManager [265] is already deployed at com.sun.enterprise.deploy.shared.FileArchive_at_1287249 |#]

I am also exporting a Service-Component (when built via bnd will create the correct OSGI-INF xml files):

Service-Component: my.package.systemmanager.servlets.*;\

I thought this was the issue originally with the 'already deployed' message - but removing this component didn't seem to make a difference in the above messages.

Is anyone else seeing these types of issues with their bundles? I am not sure it is really effecting me (yet) - but I don't like seeing these warnings and not being able to get rid of them (or understand why they are showing up to begin with).

Thanks for any information.

Robert Weeks
Senior Software Developer
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