RE: Setting Up SSH For A Single Website On Glassfish 3.1

From: Martin Gainty <>
Date: Mon, 23 May 2011 17:25:06 -0400

assuming you have admin GUI up and running follow this link:

DO request a valid certificate from a known CA and install the cert to Glassfish so ssl-connector will see the cert
DO NOT: disable the regular http listener

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> To:
> Subject: Setting Up SSH For A Single Website On Glassfish 3.1
> From:
> Date: Mon, 23 May 2011 16:06:10 -0500
> How do I setup SSH on Glassfish 3.1 to only work for a single website? I have
> gone through some tutorials with setting up SSH with Glassfish but none of
> them are geared towards doing it for a specific website only. After testing
> SSH with Glassfish via Firefox 4 the web browser always displays the "The
> connection was interrupted" message. What causes that message to appear in
> Firefox?
> At the moment the website is being hosted on a local PC for testing purposes.
> There is a client (website) that has been developed to access the REST
> webservices being hosted on Glassfish. Two of the webservices handle the
> login/logout of users for the client. Below is a screenshot of how SSH has
> been setup in Glassfish.
> Below is the error message that was encountered during the testing of SSH
> with Glassfish.
> Both the keystore and certificate files have been included in domain1's
> config directory. What is missing in terms of SSH configuration with
> Glassfish?
> --
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