Re: Hosting Glassfish in Equinox

From: Azubuko Obele <>
Date: Tue, 3 May 2011 13:26:26 -0400

Thanks Sahoo. That did the trick. The Admin Console works fine now though it
complains about the update console but this isn't a big deal. Later I'll
document what I did in case others run into the same problems.

On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 12:43 PM, Sahoo <> wrote:

> On Tuesday 03 May 2011 08:22 PM, Azubuko Obele wrote:
>> Some progress on this front:
>> Still working towards getting Glassfish hosted in Equinox. Added the
>> glassfish/modules/ directory to my target platform in Eclipse. Created a new
>> 'Run Configuration' with only the org.glassfish.core.glassfish checked to
>> autostart.
> I am not really an Eclipse expert, so I don't know what it means to create
> a target platform or create a new configuration. Have you tried simply by
> starting vanilla equinox and starting glassfish.jar bundle. Once it works,
> try all the other eclipse ways of doing things. When you embed inside
> Equinox, you have to configure the framework with the following settings:
> org.osgi.framework.bundle.parent=framework
> # See equinox bug #329314
> osgi.resolver.preferSystemPackages=false
> You can see them in glassfish/osgi/equinox/configuration/config.ini that we
> ship in GlassFish.
> I once tried to embed GlassFish inside Eclipse IDE and I seem to remember
> all I had to do was to start Eclipse with -Dcom.sun.aas.installRoot property
> set, copy glassfish.jar to eclipse's plugin's folder and start that bundle
> once. You can even turn glassfish.jar into an eclipse plugin bundle to avoid
> having to start it by hand.
> Thanks,
> Sahoo