Re: Using Hibernate on Glassfish?

From: Mitesh Meswani <>
Date: Tue, 03 May 2011 10:20:15 -0700

The issue 12812 refers to GlassFish 2.1.1. In V3, with our usage of
OSGI, this should not be a problem.

On 5/3/2011 7:34 AM, Laird Nelson wrote:
> On Tue, May 3, 2011 at 10:08 AM, Laird Nelson <
> <>> wrote:
> On Mon, May 2, 2011 at 9:21 PM, Mitesh Meswani
> < <>> wrote:
> Here is an old blog entry
> (
> Hi, Mitesh; that is indeed an old blog entry. Among other things
> it recommends copying particular Hibernate dependencies that no
> longer exist.
> Is the intent that we should be able to just copy Hibernate's
> dependencies--whatever they are--without worry? If so, what do
> you make of this:
> Here is more old information that recommends what you just
> recommended--and then updates that recommendation as it turns out not
> to work:
> I am beginning to think that no one has /really/ figured this out. :-)
> Best,
> Laird