Could not generate application client with asadmin in GF31

From: <>
Date: Tue, 3 May 2011 03:18:10 -0500 (CDT)

Hi All,
I am having difficulty generating an application client JAR for a working
Java EE 6 ear with the following command:
/C:\Users\crystal\FundsConsumerGF31>asadmin deploy --retrieve c:\Temp
Application deployed with name FundsConsumer.
*Error while downloading generated files
*Command deploy executed successfully.
/C:\Users\crystal\FundsConsumerGF31>asadmin list-application-refs/
Command list-application-refs executed successfully.
/C:\Users\Crystal\FundsConsumerGF31>asadmin get-client-stubs --appname
FundsConsumer c:\Tmp/
*remote failure: Error while downloading generated files*
*Command get-client-stubs failed.*
The first step created c:\Temp\FundsConsumerClient folder (instead of
c:\Temp\FundsConsumerClient.jar with the same name) and some incomplete
subfolders beneath it (C:\Temp\FundsConsumerClient\lib,
C:\Temp\FundsConsumerClient\FundsConsumer-ejb_jar\ejb. Likewise, the folder
C:\glassfish3\glassfish\domains\domain1\config\lib does not exist at all. Any
idea on whether this is a bug, or that the syntax has changed since in GF3.1?
The FundsConsumer is running fine within Netbeans.
The last step failed without generating c:\Tmp\FundsConsumerClient.jar
The above commands have worked in GF2.1 in the past.
I am running JDK1.6.0_23, Netbeans 6.9.1, GF3.1 (March nightly download) on
Windows 7 & XP.
Thanks in advance,

[Message sent by forum member 'crytal123']
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