Re: Oracle GlassFish 3.1

From: Shing Wai Chan <>
Date: Fri, 06 May 2011 10:57:40 -0700

On 5/6/11 7:28 AM, wrote:
> whenever we set a listiner to listen to a particular ip address rather
> than
> the glassfish generates blank pages.
I have changed the http-listener-1 to a specific ip address.
It is working for me. Do you access the corresponding ip address or
server name in this case?
> further more: in some cases the the error log indicates messages about a
> problem to cast the context root.
Can you provide more details on this? Stack trace? Steps to reproduce
the issue.
> to setup a ssl-secured virtual host where requests on port 80 are
> automatically redirected to 443?
If you change the port for http-listener-1, http-listener-2 to 80 and
443 respectively,
then any url that corresponding to a web application with
user-data-constraint/transport-guarantee=CONFIDENTIAL in web.xml will be
redirected as desired.
For more details, you can look at "Specifying a Secure Connection"
section of