Fwd: NullPointerException in com.sun.enterprise.connectors.util.ResourcesUtil.isJdbcPoolReferredInServerInstance

From: Edward Bratt <>
Date: Thu, 05 May 2011 07:55:52 -0700

Re posting even though it appears he's posted via the Forum as well...
(with apologies, this got sucked in with a bunch of SPAM). Please
include Mohamed Maza on any reply. Thank you.
-- Ed

> Subject:
> NullPointerException in
> com.sun.enterprise.connectors.util.ResourcesUtil.isJdbcPoolReferredInServerInstance
> From:
> Mohamed Maza <>
> Date:
> Thu, 5 May 2011 14:50:05 +0200
> To:
> "" <>
> Hi,
> I'm deploying a JEE Application to GlassFish 3.1 (24) unfortunately
> I'm getting:
> NullPointerException in
> com.sun.enterprise.connectors.util.ResourcesUtil.isJdbcPoolReferredInServerInstance
> It is happening in the Initialization Code of an EJB (@PostConstruct)
> There I am calling: em.find(MyClass.class, myClassId);
> I suspect it being a configuration error of my persistance layer, but
> I'm not sure where...
> Can anybody help here please?
> Thanks in advance!
> Regards,
> MohamzJava