On 05-May-2011, at 12:43 PM, forums_at_java.net wrote:
> I'm building a Web application that would go live soon. I want to use a
> JDBC Realm and the default glassfish j_security_check to authenticate my
> users. however It seems pretty simple to me. I want to be able to prevent
> brute force attacks on my site. so far, putting in the wrong user name and
> password multiple times doesn't seem to cause any kind of red flag to be
> raised.
Sorry, Glassfish JDBC Realm does not have password retry limits/Account-lockout. You will have to write some custom code.
> I understand that the other option will be to create custom login modules and
> callback handlers etc. but I would really like to keep things as simple as
> possible.I would appreciate if anyone can tell me the various security
> features that glassfish offers.
> Thanks
> --
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